Photo's by: Paula Toroba
College is a BIG adjustment to me and to tell you honestly i'm still in the phase of adjusting. Waking up early, piled up books, mad-foh-i-dont-know-reason teachers and sometimes intimidating society are just some of the reasons why I don't want to go to school it's like my summer mode button is still ON. There are even times where I want to give up and skip school(which is most likely impossible to happen). Surviving college isn't going to easy like high school it needs hard work, patience, perseverance and focus! Focus! focus! FOCUS! One thing i don't have right now. :( In every hardships you go through there will always be a back up, It's just up to you who will they be, or what will they be. Choosing the right one's will make your journey more light, easy and of course fun. Enjoy your youth whether it is wasted or not! =)

Making length-y post isn't my thing nor making emotional posts but I find blogging as an exit point where I can express myself just like every diary a little girl has. Don't you find blogging so mainstream now a days?
Keep Loving!♥