|| Brogues from Rusty Lopez, Faded Pants from Penshoppe, Silver Bag from Elizabeth ||

Best Friend for life, Im gonna miss you!

Carlo Morales and the guy who won in Talentadong Pinoy

|| Photo credits: bia Sambrano, check out her blog: http://biathegreat.tumblr.com/ ||
Have you ever wonder what to wear on a school day without looking "school-ish" and follow rules? So here's mine. Silver and Gold were the highlights of this look, This post isnt much of a look post but more on my Day! I'll share to you a part of my lucky day. 27th of January was really a lucky day for me from morning 'till night, our school launched the Magis Festival and surprisingly a celebrity came to our school named Carlo Morales no one knew him not until he came out. He was so tall, white and Handsome! and he's nice too. But it didnt stop there, the winner of talentadong pinoy who's a beatboxer came in too i was so amazed by his talent. Here's the great part i had the chance to go near them they asked if there's any singer in the crowd (Haha!) and everybody knows what's next. I sang Superbass! Ive never regret a single second on that moment its like living my teenage dream to sing in front of a big crowd and luckily it was Ateneo crowd though my voice isnt that gifted! This day will be forever memorable to me, One check on my bucket list! "Live life to the fullest and sing superbass" How was your day?
Keep Loving!♥